Ningen Dock

(Comprehensive Medical Check Up)

"Ningen Dock" is literally translated as "Human Dock”.

The word "NINGEN DOCK" originally comes from "ship dock". This means that even ships that are currently in service must dock regularly for inspection and maintenance in order to prepare for the next voyage. We humans also want to have a healthy body forever.

“Ningen Dock” is a special term to describe Japan’s unique comprehensive health check-up system and only used in Japan to differentiate it with regular medical check-up because of its thorough health checkup program where the doctor will carefully explain examination findings in detail.  By doing “Ningen Dock” many disease can be detected at early stage and the examination can be used to control and maintain your overall health.

"Ningen" means human in Japanese, "Dock" is derived from the dockyard for inspecting and repairing ships.

Even if we think there is nothing wrong with our bodies, we cannot judge whether we are healthy just by looking at our appearance and how we feel. Therefore, even if you are not sick, it is important to have regular tests to find out whether your body has a disease or not. In other words, a "Ningen Dock'' involves performing various tests and using the data to determine whether there is an abnormality somewhere in the body or not.

When you get the result that there is no abnormality, it will give you a lot of confidence to say that you are healthy!      And above all, it will be a great gift for your family. Furthermore, even if it is determined that there is an abnormality, it does not immediately mean that the patient has a disease, but it will help in early detection of the disease and, by extension for early treatment. Many lifestyle-related diseases are difficult to cure even if they are discovered, but through the efforts of the individual, the disease can be alleviated or its progression can be suppressed. By doing once-a-year “Ningen Dock”, the result of examination is useful and will encourage you to plan a healthy daily life program in order to improve and maintain your health.

Having a healthy body is a great blessing not only for the person but also for their family.

The concept of Ningen Dock was originally established in Japan with the aim of providing comprehensive health examination to detect and treat potential health risks at an early stage. This examination was first conducted systematically in Japan on July 12, 1954 and thereafter this comprehensive health examination are carried out in all hospitals and health facilities nationwide.The development of the comprehensive health checkup system may be one reason for Japan's long life expectancy. The major purpose of the comprehensive health checkup system is to maintain health in three main ways: early detection of cancer, detection of lifestyle-related diseases, and confirmation of health status. Although the cost of such examination borne by the examinee is not cheap, this “Ningen Dock” examination will help to reduce the examinee's overall health care expenditures through early detection and early treatment.

“ Even when you feel healthy don't forget to check your mind and body”

Many diseases, including cancer, progress silently and have no specific signs or symptoms in their early stages. The core of Ningen Dock is to monitor and control the abnormalities promptly right after the detection of abnormal results. The mindset that ”As there are no symptoms, there is nothing to worry about” must be dispelled. Based on the results of medical check-up, you should visit doctors to receive further tests and treatment from related specialized doctors.